get involved
Whether you are a sponsor/donor, community partner, supporter, cycling racer, or volunteer, we are excited to welcome you to the Breakaway experience. We seek to improve our community by using bicycles to give mobility to others; giving them better access to education, recreation, healthcare, safety gear and economic opportunity.
All sponsors & donations are accepted and treated with care. We vow to work hard representing all that help us achieve our charity goals. We take great pride in promoting all our sponsors! We know without you and your sponsor donations, none of this is possible.
With you, we make dreams come true!
community partner
We have partnered with the Clark County School District and International Safe Routes to School, a program that encourages children to walk and bicycle to and from school safely. SRTS is built on five strategies, called the "6 E's" (Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, Engineering, Evaluation and Equity,) to address challenges and barriers to walking and bicycling. Successful SRTS programs involve all 5 E’s and the community. This partnership and these programs enable us to educate and share with our local youth bicycling safety and all the joys and benefits that come with bicycling.
Who's next?
Local businesses and individual expertise continuously help us increase our reach across the Las Vegas valley. As we continue to grow so does the number of children who need our help. We are an all hands on deck kinda team.
Who's in?
cycling racer
We are a competitive team with lots of heart. Every cyclist rides for different reasons. Breakaway understands this. That’s why instead of just riding to win a race or drop friends at your local group ride, we provide opportunity to create an impactful purpose. Riders join our cycling team, share their strengths with the community and get the good vibes of giving back to their community.
Giving = Increase in wattage output :)
Sign up to volunteer your time or point us in the right direction toward increasing our funding pipeline to help high risk youth through bicycle rodeos, giveaways and educational contests.